BANG. An unconditional love for chocolate.
BANG. A «Trop Taste» spread that goes on everything.
For the 3rd consecutive year, we are continuing the tradition of developing a self-promotional project in collaboration with one of our clients. This time our initiative offers 180g of really «Trop Taste» praline chocolate spread, which you can literally put on everything!!
The objective was to create a «real» brand with «real» packaging constraints as if we were building the project for a client. We took into consideration the unit cost of materials, production of labels, and cost of raw materials. By staying true to ourselves, we allowed ourselves to add a bit of craziness to the branding. Most notably we played with Franglais wording and 3 labels with personalized cutouts. These ideas are meant for the sole purpose of allowing you to pick your favourite illustration once the product is on the shelf. All of this comes together as a bold, fun, illustrated graphic platform that is adjustable over several years.
This series of 100 glass jars, 100% recyclable, will be sent randomly to thank our customers and collaborators who have contributed to the studio’s success in 2022. Une partie de la production et quelques produits dérivés seront également accessibles à tous sur troptaste.cool