2x Applied Arts
BANG. A cuvée high in alcohol content.
BANG. Pleasure for your hands.
After a rather special year marked by a craze for natural wines and of course, a global pandemic, we wanted to immortalize the new 2020 Quebec clichés in a series of thematic packaging containing 70% ethyl alcohol. High in alcohol content, complicated to describe, difficult to classify and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth – here are the bottles of our Cuvée 2020, produced in limited edition:
– Homemade haircuts
– Ça va bien aller
– First and second wave
– The rainbows
– The shortage of N95 masks
– A year on its head
Shipped randomly, this series of 50 bottles of 750 ml will serve as a thank you to customers and collaborators who supported our activities during this long adventure, because we love them healthy and we wanted to contribute to their safety during the upcoming year.